Etsy Feed Submission Errors

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When you submit your Etsy Product feed to the merchant, you may get some errors if your products do not have the required values. You may get Etsy feed submission errors if:

  1. Your product does not have quantity available (in-stock is not a valid value for Etsy feed).
  2. Why Shipping details is not showing? :Calculated shipping price cannot be fetched via Etsy API. So, please create fixed shipping template.
  3. Invalid value for enum(active, draft) : The error has occurred as there might have been problem in product listing. Please follow this process to rectify the error.
    Go to Etsy plugin > Settings > change the state to as you like.(Default: draft) > Click on update.
  4. Server Error : your request limit has been exceeded. Please be patient and try uploading after five to ten minutes.
  5. Shows blank table : the products in your feed is missing either quantity or price values are missing or quantity/price values are set to 0.
  6. Tags : A tag is valid if it does not match the pattern: /[^\p{L}\p{Nd}\p{Zs}\-‘™©®]/u. Tags limit: 12 ; characters per tags:20
  7. A shipping_template_id is required when creating a listing. All listings created on must be actual items for sale.

If you have any queries, please contact us for support.