Amazon: How do I increase product visibility on Amazon search?

Amazon is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms and if you want to be a successful business, it’s almost a given that your products have to be listed on it. But, there are thousands of products listed on Amazon. And, there’s also the ever-changing A9 algorithm in play for Amazon product search results. So, […]

Physical Store to Extended Omni-Channel eCommerce Model – Answers to your Why & How questions

There isn’t much option to market your physical store unless you opt in for costly mass media advertising or distributing banners and such around. For this reason, most of the physical store owners are expanding their presence in the digital world and some extensive business people are following the extended omni-channel eCommerce model. In this […]

Item Type Keyword (item_type) – Selling on Amazon

What is item_type while selling on Amazon? Amazon uses values supplied by sellers to determine where listings are visible on (e.g., Men’s Dress Shirts). If a seller does not provide a browse node, then Amazon will assign the product to the root node (the broadest or most general node) for the category (e.g., Clothing). […] Integration Guide

Prerequisite to sell product through Pricefalls 1. Create Pricefalls seller account 2. Install ExportFeed For WordPress based store For Shopify based store For BigCommerce based store Steps to create product feed for Pricefalls 1. Create Feeds Page To start creating feeds, click the Product Feed sub-menu on the WordPress Admin’s left navigation bar. 2. Select […]