Does the WooCommerce version of plugin include product variations?

Yes! Our Product Feed plugin includes all products including product variations and custom variations. Even while creating product feed, you can use a list of commands to remove the product variations using advanced commands. If you need some help in creating or customizing your product variations, please feel free to let us know.     

How can I remap attributes?

Remapping is done simply by selecting from a list of drop down options. Select from automatically pulled attributes or WooCommerce attributes. To remap a Custom Product Attribute or an attribute not in the list, click the [open advanced commands] link to display a text box. Type the following: deleteAttribute [attribute-name] mapAttribute [woo-attribute] as [merchant-attribute] Where: […]

Does the plugin integrate with WooThemes Google Product Feed?

Yes. Google Product Feed by WooThemes creates alternate fields for description and brand (and a host of other fields). Our ExportFeed plugin can fetch these fields, allowing you to map them into your Google feed using our plugin. To do this, use the advanced command: $google_merchant_center = true If you have any problem using the […]

Are the data feed updated automatically?

Yes, the data feeds that you create are updated automatically so that when you send the product feed to merchant sites, you always send updated information. Under Product Feed > Manage Feeds, you may select an interval at which the feed automatically refreshes: 5 minutes to 1 week. Alternatively, you can manually update all feeds […]

How do I Use my own crontab instead of WP Cron?

Setting own cron job instead of using WordPress Cron Sometimes you need to disable wp-cron for operational reasons – so the below is how to call the script directly via unix cron (or windows) There is no “simple” way to change how cron works because the plugin uses WordPress events to communicate with the cron […]


Shopping Cart Export – Getting Started – Step by Step Guides – Adding Information to Feeds (Mapping) – Cart Product Feed Add-ons – API (Custom Modifiers)

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