GPAnalysis for CGC comics

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Comics can be sold at auction prices online. Similarly there are a lot of dealers who are involved in buying and selling. The prices they charge and pay is the actual price that the market will pay for your product.

If you are a comic enthusiast and have a great collection of them, you may want to sell them at some point. Also if you own a comic business, it’s difficult and mostly unprofitable to sell them without going for relevant information. It is much better if you do a prior research about the price at which the comics you own can be sold in online auction. It also pays, in addition, if you know the price various Dealers are currently paying for your comics. Now you can choose your pricing strategy and move ahead!

One of the most powerful tool that can help you achieve this is GPAnalysis. GPAnalysis is a system that has been designed to prepare the analysis and report of the online auction and dealer sales of comics. With this you don’t have to worry about doing a bad business!

The process goes this way. At first you have to apply to CGC (Comic Guarantee Corporation) to receive a grading for your comics. Once you have received your grading, you can go for GPAnalysis to find out various information of the product.

What you should know in addition is that GPAnalysis is the world’s first analysis and reporting service that provides you with the information of online auction and dealer sales of CGC certified comics. It is the only available service that provides you with a high level of analysis required in the fast moving comics market.

The services you can get are:

Sales information

It provides information about the last trading price of graded comics. For ex…if your comics have been graded 9.4 by the CGC, you can use GPAnalysis to find the last trading price of comics of this grade. Thus you can develop your trade strategy.

Trend analysis

You can analyze the trend in the comics market. With this you can find out whether the sales of the comics you have will fall or rise in the future. Analysis of the trend is an important factor that will keep you ahead in the market.

Provides instant Graphing

You can visualize information in the form of charts and graphs. It becomes easier for you to get hold of the information.

Online portfolio management software

You can develop your own portfolio and manage it. You can add unlimited number of issues on your watchlist, keep track of books you are looking to purchase and add books you own. You will also receive the ultimate and revised valuations of your collection.

ExportFeed helps you to directly export your feeds to GPAnalysis. Now you can list your products on GPAnalysis and increase your customer base. You will also ultimately increase your SEO value. Click here to visit our site and grab a plugin :

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